Wow. Holy Mohly. This is the way that it can be. Performing can be overwhelming in a Good Way. I had Four, not ONE, but FOUR Paid technicians, with a Three Hour tech rehearsal with a stage manager who was Professional! I had a Lighting Designer (and a really good one!). I had my own dressing room with it’s own bathroom/shower (with removable shower head!). Someone printed out my programs AND folded them!
And for all of this they are paying ME! Sigh. It’s not Alaska anymore. �I performed inside THIS! (in the smaller "Theater Two' part)
The show went very well indeed. I had a nice rehearsal with one of my Dance professors from way back (I graduated Bard in ’97). Her addition to the show…she said that what I was doing was Magical Realism, and that I have to be Very Clear with my script, which is good advice. Also she said that she wanted to see me be more sexual with the Chair. To figure out all the ways that we could Do It. Not just dance with it. More good advice. And so now we have sex in many ways, the Chair and I, ending with the Chair bending me over and doing me from behind (a movement which is fairly realistic when performed with a folding chair btw).
Some other interesting feedback: Aileen Passloff, a wonderful advisor of mine from the Dance department called my character a “lost soul.” I like this. I like playing with the idea that he’s trying to find his place…it seems so personal too.
Some dear friends came too. Dusan and Dwayne from NYC where there and giggled the whole time. Dusan was the one sitting on the Chair and was very good. He didn’t give it up too easily.
Peaknuckle’s auntie and uncle were there too. Gretchen and James, who knew Peaknuckle from when he was just a puppy. She said that she saw a lot of Jimmy (Pea’s father who gifted him to me and then went and died a couple of years ago) in my performance.
Awesome to have my world converge like this for my first show Down South. Sigh. �
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